In this flourishing economy with a large workforce, simplifying business processes is paramount. Labour codes are vital for that. Labour codes are like a detailed set of rules that shape how people are employed, protect workers’ rights, and promote cooperation between companies and employees. In 2020, India introduced new Labor codes to update and simplify old Labour laws. These new Labour codes serve as a game-changing solution, making business operations easier and protecting workers’ rights.

Here are the four new Labour codes that were introduced:

  1. The Code on Wages (The Wage Code)
  2. The Occupational Safety, Health, and Working Conditions Code (The OSH Code)
  3. The Code on Social Security (The SS Code)
  4. The Industrial Relations Code (The IR Code)

These new Labour codes in India have made important changes to the rules that protect workers’ rights. These changes are still being understood and can be interpreted differently, but here are some important things to think about:

Social Security for more workers:

Social Security for more workers

The Social Security Code introduces comprehensive provisions for social security benefits, including healthcare, pensions, maternity benefits, and insurance coverage. These provisions aim to extend social security coverage to a broader segment of the workforce, including economy workers and informal sector workers.

However, there are concerns about how well these benefits will actually be put into practice, especially for workers in the informal sector, who may face challenges in accessing and availing of these benefits. This can be due to various reasons, such as a lack of awareness about their rights or challenges in navigating the bureaucratic processes involved in obtaining these benefits. But by addressing these concerns, workers in the informal sector can have better access to social security benefits and enjoy the protection they deserve.

Occupational health and safety:

Occupational health and safety

The Occupational Safety, Health, and Working Conditions Code establishes a set of norms for ensuring a safe and healthy working environment for workers. These codes mandate that employers provide appropriate safety measures and precautions, such as risk assessment, training, and welfare facilities, to protect the well-being of the worker.

However, it is not enough to have these regulations in place. Their effective implementation is important to ensure their practical impact and to safeguard workers’ rights. Without proper implementation, employers may neglect their obligations, leading to unsafe working conditions that can pose significant risks to workers’ health and safety.

Therefore, it is vital to have mechanisms and systems in place to monitor compliance with these regulations, address any violations, and hold accountable those who fail to uphold the required safety standards.

Wage Protection:

Wage Protection

The code of wages simplifies the provisions related to minimum wages and wage payment across various sectors. It introduces the idea of a national floor-level wage, which the central government will set and may vary depending on geographical regions. The codes also emphasize timely payment of wages, promoting transparency, and preventing wage theft. However, implementation challenges and monitoring mechanisms need to be in place to ensure that workers receive their due wages.

Flexibility in hiring and firing:

Flexibility in hiring and firing

One of the significant changes brought about by the new Labour codes is that employers can now hire and fire workers in a more flexible way. This means they can hire people for a specific period based on their business needs. While this gives flexibility to employers, some people worry that it could make work less secure and lead to workers being treated unfairly. Fixed-term contracts may not offer the same benefits and job security as permanent jobs.



The new Labor laws in India have brought about significant changes to the regulations that govern work. These changes aim to simplify the process of following the rules and ensure better protection of the rights of workers. However, it is important to effectively implement and monitor these laws to see their practical impact. Continuous evaluation, engagement with different people involved, and addressing any challenges or gaps that arise are necessary to ensure that these Labour codes protect workers’ rights. This way, we can make sure that these Labor codes uphold the rights of workers and create a fair and favourable environment for both employees and employers in the Labour market. Law schools in Ghaziabad can play a significant role in understanding and educating future legal professionals about these new Labour laws and how they impact the workforce.

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